A Bit About Me

Hi, I’m Tim Halloran and I’m an online business owner.

I run a business on the internet, and I use automated systems to get my message in front of people who want to create more freedom and flexibility in their lives.

I’m also an affiliate marketer. This means that I recommend great products and services to people who value them, and I receive a commission for doing so.

This process is largely automated, so my business runs whether I’m working on it or not.

I want to help others create lives with more purpose, freedom and flexibility, and I do this by showing them the same path I am on and introducing them to the mentors and community who have helped me so much on my online journey.


On a trip to Sri Lanka in Dubai airport

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results will vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee any results.
Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.

Standing in for Peter O’ Toole on Casanova

I started looking to the internet as a means to earn some extra money several years ago. I was out of work and training to become a stunt performer. I used ebay to sell my first item – which was some unused item from around the house. Luckily a friend of mine helped me set up my ebay profile and showed me how to do it!

From there I was hooked and I started finding items from charity shops and car boot sales which I could sell for a profit!

I did this part time while juggling a number of jobs at the time. I worked as a lifeguard, a taxi driver, a builders labourer and several other desk jobs inputting data.  I also had work as a TV extra which led on to some stand-in work and then some TV unit driving work – chauffering actors, directors and crew.

I eventually joined the British Equity Stunt Register in 2002. However, I didn’t get any stunt contracts for another 2 years! I worked as a taxi driver for much of the time and kept up my interest in selling over ebay. Here’s a picture of me with the late Peter O’ Toole on a production of Casanova. I was working as a stand-in for Peter and David Tennant and it was to lead to one of my first stunt jobs.

What sounded like the perfect job in my 20’s changed over the following years. I felt trapped by the stunt career because my life was always on hold waiting for the phone to ring. I didn’t plan anything because it might have conflicted with potential jobs and money always seemed to be tight.

The minute I took a ‘normal’ job, the phone would ring and I would be in a conflict with my employer about taking time off. Everything seemed so difficult for a number of years.

At one point when I was in my late 30’s, I was working in a builders yard for minimum wage and I was starting to think that the whole idea has been a big mistake.

I wasn’t trained for anything really other than stunt work! I had a number of qualificatons in sports but they didn’t really help me find well paid employment outside of the stunt industry. 


Getting suited up for a fall in ‘Hysteria’ 

An Online Business Lets You Work From Anywhere

As time wore on I became disillusioned with the stunt business and looked towards the internet as another means of income. I had kept working online in various ways. I was still doing a part time ebay business, I had tried online currency trading and had then moved on to affiliate marketing.


This was following an online purchase I had made. After noticing how easily I had downloaded a product from the internet after paying for it, I realised this was a great business model. At first I tried to replicate the sale by creating my own ebooks and trying to sell them online. After spending a lot of time doing this and never making a sale I looked for a solution.


I learned that the business model affiliate marketing allowed anyone to earn a commission by selling other people’s products. With digital products (such as an ebook), I could even earn 40% commission. For me this seemed like a magical idea – automating the selling of digital products online.


I would still get the occasional stunt job coming in, but it wasn’t my focus anymore. I was looking for something else! I also had a passion project as a Wing Chun teacher which I had pursued for some time. I eventually opened a Wing Chun class in Leeds too!


Because I learned to forget about the work and stop struggling, I didn’t notice or concentrate on what was lacking. Life had got so bad at one point I decided to take stock and change my situation somehow. I was broke, unemployed and paying my rent on a credit card at one point, with the weight of huge debt hanging over me.


I turned towards the internet again and had remembered wathcing The Secret and getting some hope from it. Despite it being a little superficial, I thought it still had something to teach me. I bought nearly every book available on the law of attraction and decided to study it to gain more knowledge and depth.


Think and Grow Rich, Working With The Law, The Science Of Getting Rich, The Richest Man In Babylon, etc, etc. I read them all!


On 28 Weeks Later Getting Shot!

Doubling Jack Whitehall on Bad Education The Movie

Meeting One Of My Mentors Jay On A Seminar

Although I had been working away online ‘attempting’ to build an online business, I hadn’t had much success. I had the odd breakthrough and I had sold one or two products. However, it was far from a ‘business’ and much more like a hobby in terms of what I was making.


I came accross an advert on Facebook for a 7 day video series with the title “Struggling With Your Affiliate Business?” which I was! So I clicked through and entered my details on the website to access the series. Soon after I joined up to the online training platform and business community.


Despite all the previous training I had had, this business system had something more. It offered a product ‘suite’ rather than a single commission product. The structure of the business system was much better. The best thing was the community of actual people I could meet up with in person and the live events I joined. Here’s a picture of me with Jay – one of my online mentors at a seminar in London.


Since joining this community I have been able to access training and live events and join a number of online challenges set up by other online entrepreneurs. This has allowed me to shift my mindset and move from being a struggling ‘victim’ of circumstances to making my first high ticket sale within only a few months of joining and setting up my personal business system.

This has been the most organised and dedicated learning platform I have ever found online. The business system is far better than many other affiliate products I have promoted in the past and offers far more value. I highly recommend it for any struggling affiliates or anyone who wants to change their life with an online business.

Mentors Stuart And Jay Giving A Talk In London

Creating A Video On The 90 Day Video Challenge

One of the biggest challenges of an internet business has been overcoming my own limiting ideas and beliefs. I was self conscious and this kept me from creating videos and promoting my website. The personal challenges to my self image have been huge. Everyone carries an idea around of who they think they are. This can be the biggest blockage to moving forwards in any career, and particularly one which is unfamiliar.

My default setting is ‘I’m not good enough’ and ‘ I must work hard for money’. Most people have similar limiting beliefs. The biggest take away I have from doing this business is the self development which has taken me from my limited view of myself and allowed me to shift my mindset and make the right decisions. Fear will hold anyone back. The steps towards overcoming that fear is different for everyone.

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results will vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee any results.
Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.

A recent poll by Gallup says “85% of People Hate Their Jobs”

That’s 85% of people feeling miserable, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with their lives. What if the opposite was true? What if everyone followed their passion in life and truly loved every minute of their lives instead of hating most of it for the sake of making an income? I’ve always believed in following your passion. It’s not always an easy path but it’s a whole lot more fullfilling. Helping others has to be one of the most rewarding things you can do in life too. What if you could earn a living helping people to become more fulfilled and live their dream life?

My Vision

“My vision is to help, inspire and wake people up to the opportunity of greater financial freedom through an online business”

Anyone who has access to the internet and a laptop can beneft from the digital ecconomy to ‘leverage’ the internet to create more abundance and freedom for themselves and their families. Many don’t know the opportunity which they have or are at best sceptical. For a long time I looked for something which combined the freedom of working from anywhere and the ability to help and support others. My main focus is to help others see this massive opportunity and to overcome their own personal barriers to success.

When you stop dreaming of a better life and circumstance, you accept your current reality and forget the potential there is for change. Life becomes mundane and even dull, sometimes even to the detriment of your health. When you can overcome negative thinking and become inspired, you can start to believe again and motivate yourself to do more be more and have more of life.

When you see for yourself that it is you who has been holding yourself where you are, you become empowered to make a change. Self belief is what holds so many people back in life. By changing from the inside, you can change the outside of life too.

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results will vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee any results.
Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.

My Values

  • HONESTY: I’ve always felt that life is much better when you can trust people. Honesty is  something which builds trust and is a key value which has always been important to me.  Unless I can trust someone, I don’t want to be around them. If more people were honest and held themselves to a greater level of integrity, the world would be a much better place for everyone.
  • INTEGRITY: Having integrity means you are someone who can be trusted to do the right thing, even when no-one is watching. I have always strived to live my life with integrity and do the right thing. This is also important in terms of choosing the right path in life too – choosing what you do and who you work with.
  • SUCCESS: Success has come to mean different things to me in life over the years. Initially, money was success for me. But ultimately money can’t buy some of the things in life. Time spent with love ones, being free to make choices about who you spend your time with and what you do are more important to me now. Losing my father and having also lost a brother at a young age made me appreciate life itself and the people who are most important.
  • FREEDOM: I have always loved to be my own person and not be tied to anything which makes me unhappy. Freedom for me now isn’t only financial freedom but the ability to spend time with people I choose, freedom to live how I choose and freedom from internal (mental) pain and psychological suffering.
  • INTROSPECTION: I have been accused of being too introspective at times but I love being able to look inwards. It has given me the insight to value self growth and see the internal barriers to success for what they truly are. The ability to look at something with detachment, like watching you own mind, is also a good tool for the building of an internet business and overcoming your own personal demonds. Stepping back to see the larger picture has helped me see my shortcomings which held me back in my online business.
  • PERSEVERANCE: I have always felt that if you persevere at something, you can always succeed at it, no matter how long it takes. It took me around 5 years before I got my first stunt performing job and 20 years before I opened my own Martial Arts School. I attribute both those achievements to perseverance despite any setbacks or difficulties.

In This Complimentary Video Series You Will See How It Is Possible To Build A Business Which Is Entirely Independent Of A Workplace, A Physical Location Or A Boss. Access Here And Defy The 9 TO 5!

 I will never recommend anything that I haven’t personally purchased myself. I will NEVER share your email with third parties, your privacy is very important to me. You can unsubscribe at any time from the bottom of any email that I send you. ENJOY the content, and the journey! Tim

*DISCLAIMER – What sets us apart from other online business opportunities is our world class system and methods, as well as our integrity – so we want you to know exactly where you stand. Note that individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of our training and business systems. All the products and services we provide are for educational and information purposes only. While our member testimonials of success are verifiable, this does not mean you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money at all with our program, because individual results will depend on your determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.