Screw The Nine To Five

Yeah, screw the nine to five! If you’re working a nine to five and you hate it, screw it! But of course if you need the income, how can you? You’re trapped right? There are ways and means to achieve anything. You just need to believe it as a starting...

Dead End Job Depression

I hadn’t heard the expression “dead end job depression” before, even though I had experienced it throughout my life. I have had several dead ends jobs over the course of finding a path in life. The worst thing about a dead end job is thinking of it...

Rat Race Rebellion

The rat race rebellion has already begun. Thousands of people have already left their full time jobs, meaningless careers and horrible bosses. How have they done this? What risks have they taken? Not everyone is cut out to be an online entrepreneur. I never saw myself...

High Paying Affiliate Programs

High paying affiliate programs can pay out up to $10,000 per sale. In my early years as an affiliate, I spent my time chasing sales which gave me $20 commissions. When I look back now I realise how stupid that was. But at the time, I didn’t know any different. I...

Quit 9 to 5 Job

It’s not always possible to decide to quit a 9 to 5 job; not straight away anyway. I quit more jobs than I can remember, but I was young and had zero responsibilities. For most people, it’s not so simple. Their 9 to 5 job is their stability. If...

Best Non 9 to 5 Jobs

I was always on the lookout for the best non 9 to 5 jobs. I despised 9 to 5 and knew there had to be something better out there! In my 20’s I met a stuntman and went for it! After 4 years of training, juggling temp jobs and driving taxis, I got my first paid gig...

Rat Race Rebellion Work From Home

Rat race rebellion work from home? The rat race rebellion isn’t going away. More people are realising that the 9 to 5 isn’t the only option for them. With an ever-growing number of people working from home or starting their own business, less people want...

9 to 5 No Longer

Fed up and want to work 9 to 5 no longer? The 9 to 5 is no longer the only way to work. As more people discover flexible working opportunities, less are prepared to work 9 to 5. Many people are favouring a portfolio income rather than have to be committed to a single...