If you’re wondering how to escape 9 to 5, there’s more than one way. You can work on a passion or work from your laptop with an internet business. However, it doesn’t change overnight and there’s a few things you can do to prepare and plan your escape. Firstly, start to live beneath your income. Most people don’t do this. They live beyond their income.
Living below your income puts you in a stronger position if it ever comes to quitting your job. You’ll have some savings and you will also have the discipline to live on less than you have. Putting some money away also gives you more opportunity for investing, which is another 9 to 5 escape route. Having the money not to have to work continuously buys you time to find soemthing more worthwhile. It’s one way how to escape 9 to 5 life, but it takes time. If you’re miserable in your job, it won’t come soon enough!
Find something you’re good at or you’ve always wanted to do. If you can work on a passion, it makes everything else much better. Plus, eventually you may be able to turn it into an income.
Even an internet business takes time to build up to the point where it can replace your 9 to 5 job. I was always on the lookout for alternatives to 9 to 5.
How To Escape 9 To 5
I discovered how to become a stuntman when I was in my early 20’s and it seemed like a good idea! I spent the next 4 years training and working part time crappy jobs just to qualify for the register. It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be although I worked on some films and television programs with some great people. You can see my stunt website here. I was more out of work than in, so I turned to my other passion the martial arts to avoid the 9 to 5 and earn a living. In all the time I was building up my qualifications to become a stuntman and marital arts instructor, I worked some pretty awful jobs.
Each job taught me exactly what I didn’t want, so I worked hard at what I loved.
When I wasn’t working I was learning Wing Chun Kung Fu and how to build an online business. I spent many years studying different methods of earning online. I failed a lot and learned a lot too. Most people would have given up long ago, but I knew what a great business model an online business could offer. If I only cracked it. I had bought an ebook many years ago from ebay which taught me an ebay business model. However, it was the ebook which really lit a fire in me. I downloaded the ebook after buying it and realised that this was an automated business model. Everything about it was automated. Only later did I discover that this was a business model that anyone can do. It’s called affiliate marketing and anyone can earn money by selling other people’s products over the internet.
Affiliate Marketing – My Journey
There are many affilaite marketing business models and not all of them are alike. Affiliate marketing is one method how to escape 9 to 5 working hours. I went from one course to another over several years because I had what is called “shiny object syndrome”. Jumping from one shiny new method to the next, I didn’t make any headway in any. Each one promised more than the rest. Many failed to deliver either because I didn’t follow them for long enough or correctly, or they didn’t have a good enough strategy.
It wasn’t until I discovered Stu and Jay’s business model that things really changed for me. I had discovered an online community who were actually on hand to help and advise. Before then I was all alone with the idea of an internet business being an unfulfilled dream. I knew there was a way to make it work, it just didn’t happen until I found the SFM.
Affiliate marketing is a business model which can allow anyone to benefit from selling other people’s products online. Before I found affiliate marketing I was buying and selling over ebay. My room was filled with stock and I was constantly answering questions from customers. I was running around like a headless chicken and I wasn’t getting anywhere financially. I knew there had to be a better way of using the internet to get more time back and spend less time tied to my business.
This, after all was the internet. Surely there was a way to ‘leverage’ the internet and earn money without being constantly stuck to my computer. Affiliate marketing seemed like the answer.
A Different Business Model
Affiliate marketing is a great business model. Unfortunately all of the ones I had tried were flawed in some way. I was attempting to rank my content on Google. This was my first mistake. It never produced enough traffic. Paid traffic was the answer and list building. Plus digital products paid out 40% commissions which was much more than physical products.
Then I learned about the right kinds of digital products to promote. Subscription products, for example, paid out over and over again for membership programs, for example. This was the answer! Plus, an internet business allows you to tap into a global marketplace. You can stop trading time for money and use digital tools and systems to sell digital products.
This can allow you to build up an online business around existing work and eventually to stop trading time for money.
If you keep trading time for money you’ll always be in that trap. If you can find a way to leverage your time in some way, you’re much better able to increase your income without working harder or longer hours. Doing something you love is different to working too. If you want to learn how to escape 9 to 5, find something you love doing, work hard at it and make it pay.
Stop Trading Time For Money
One example of how to escape 9 to 5 life is to learn how to stop trading your time for money. To stop trading time for money you need to leverage your time. This can be done with an internet business because you can use digital systems and technology to sell digital products. Websites, for example, can run 24 hours a day and 7 days a week on autopilot. If you can learn how to sell from your website you can build an online business which can run by itself. Digital products allow people to buy and instantly access membership websites and digital downloads from anywhere globally. This means you can access a global audience of customers.
Learn how to target the right customers and you can sell by running automated systems. You can scale up your advertising methods by increasing your budget once you have a profitable advert.
Access a 7 day video series which will show you how the digital ecconomy has made it possible to stop trading time for money and gives anyone the opportunity to lern how to escape 9 to 5!