Yeah, screw the nine to five! If you’re working a nine to five and you hate it, screw it! But of course if you need the income, how can you? You’re trapped right? There are ways and means to achieve anything. You just need to believe it as a starting point. If you don’t believe it, you’ll consider yourself trapped for life – trapped in a meaningless job you have no love or passion for. Or, at best, a job which isn’t giving you what you want from life. Do you want to be trapped or do you want to be free? Yeah, so screw the nine to five!

Screw The Nine To Five

screw the nine to five

Your responsibilities and obligations mean you can’t screw the nine to five – at least not without some major repercussions. If you’re young, and have no responsibilities, there are even less reasons not to screw the nine to five. Perhaps you’re trying to prove something to yourself or your family. Perhaps you’re trying to prove you’re not a complete screw up! But if your job isn’t letting you grow or giving you the freedom you wanted from life there is another way.

You don’t have to say “screw the nine to five” and throw it all in. That’s pretty radical if you’ve nothing to back up your income. But you can start making some changes in preparation for a change.

Putting Some Money Away

One of the main strategies of the wealthy is to pay themselves first. Most people pay their bills, their rent or their mortgage, their tax and their basic household bills first, then they spend what’s left. The wealthy pay themselves first. That is, they pay into a savings account a portion of their income, before they do anything else. They learn to live on less than their income. Doing this is a two fold strategy which lets you both build discipline and a ‘buffer’ in case of an emergency.

Having money aside gives you more options. As your savings grow, you’re in a better position to say “screw the nine to five”.

Starting A Side Business

Saying “screw the nine to five” sounds great on the surface, however, it’s not all that practical in reality. You’re just unemployed and broke unless you have a back up plan. Without a job it’s harder to find other employment. By starting a side business and building it up around your current income, you’ll build an escape plan which can allow you later on to “screw the nine to five”!

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Make A Plan

Early morning traffic builds up along the Princess Parkway into Manchester city centre. Voters have their last chance today to vote in a referendum on the introduction of a congestion charge in Greater Manchester.

Sometimes working a nine to five becomes all encompassing. Perhaps you need to plan some chill out time or some holiday’s to get away from work. If you don’t have a long term plan of escape, any job can become too much. Maybe you’re just bored?

Some nine to five jobs simply aren’t very interesting. I got stuck on the nine to five bandwagon for a while and quit one job after another. I had no direction or plan for the future so the job seemed like my whole life. When your job becomes the sole focus of your life, it can be demoralising. You need a life in order to value your income. Make sure you’re not focusing too much on your job, and remember to build a life, not just an income!

Screw The Nine To Five

screw the nine to five

If you’re unhappy in your job, make a plan of escape but don’t quit unless you’re absolutely finished. Use your income to build another business on the side and grow it to exceed your current income. Without a regular income, this is much more difficult. It will take much longer to build another business without the money to back it up. An online business can be built up over several years and eventually replace existing income.

What’s great about an internet business is that you can work it from anywhere globally and it can run on autopilot, once everything is set up. Then it’s largely a matter of small adjustments to your business and scaling it up once you have a working business model.

Systems, tools and automated platforms make up the large part of an online business. Once everything is in place, you simply let it run. Digital products can allow anyone to build a working profitable online business from scratch by selling other people’s products. This is a business model known as affiliate marketing.